Home lifestyle How to Select a Perfectly Ripe Pomegranate

How to Select a Perfectly Ripe Pomegranate


Color: Look for pomegranates that have a deep, rich color. Depending on the variety, this could range from deep red to reddish-brown or even slightly purple. Avoid pomegranates that are green or pale red, as they are likely underripe.

Weight: A ripe pomegranate should feel heavy for its size. This indicates that it’s filled with juicy arils (the seeds surrounded by the fleshy pulp). Pick up a few pomegranates and compare their weights to find the heaviest one.

Texture: The skin of a ripe pomegranate should be firm and taut, but not too hard. Avoid ones with soft spots, blemishes, or wrinkled skin, as these may indicate decay or overripeness.

Shape: Choose pomegranates that are round and plump. They should feel symmetrical and free from any irregularities.

Sound: While it might seem unconventional, some people tap the pomegranate lightly with their fingers. A ripe pomegranate should produce a metallic sound, similar to tapping on a drum. This indicates that the arils inside are plump and juicy.

Smell: Ripe pomegranates may give off a slightly sweet aroma at the blossom end. However, this method isn’t always reliable as pomegranates don’t always have a strong scent.