Home News Why is Republic Day Celebrated?

Why is Republic Day Celebrated?


Every year on January 26th, India celebrates Republic Day to commemorate the day on which the Indian Constitution went into force in 1950. It celebrates India’s transformation from a British Dominion to an independent democratic republic. On this day, the Indian Constitution superseded the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document, transforming India into a republic with a democratic style of governance.

Republic Day is significant not only because it commemorates the ratification of the Constitution, but also because it embodies the principles of democracy, secularism, equality, and justice inscribed in the document. The day is commemorated with tremendous zeal and excitement around the country, with a variety of festivities, parades, and cultural performances highlighting India’s rich cultural legacy, military strength, and accomplishments. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by freedom fighters and politicians who worked relentlessly to guarantee India’s independence and the establishment of a democratic government.